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Outside FE

Workshop Jazzin’

There have been a number of things happening recently, that have kept me from doing much on the FE blog. Primary among these has been the building of an epic CNC router. It’s not done yet but well on the way, as you know if you follow along on the FE Facebook page. In other news, I’m tentatively making a commitment to making new videos once a week.

Here’s the latest:

Watch the Camera Phone Lathe Crocodile video

We’ll see how this goes. I still think there is loads to be gained from a detailed written blog post, long and packed with techniques and information. That’s what I have been aiming for in the past, but that all takes a lot of time. So lets jump into the video world a bit more: roll up and subscribe – here’s the link to our channel!

Another recent one is to do  with felling and boarding up a big sycamore tree that was right between the workshop and the woodshed. So that’s a lot of chainsaw mill related shenanigans. Click on the pick to see that video.

Click to checkout my latest CS Milling video


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  1. Camera Phone Lathe Crocodile
  2. Alaskan Style Chainsaw Mill vs Band Mill

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