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Method to splice two kinds of wood

We published this step-by-step Instructable a couple of weeks ago, outlining an unusual woodworking technique to splice interesting shaped pieces of contrasting coloured wood. The Instructable editors featured it on their home page and in their newsletter :)  and it’s been getting quite a bit of attention (over 55k views in a week). A bit surprising, given it was an unexpected little diversion in the making of a commission that didn’t originally call for anything like that.

Teak-ash splice

It’s one way to make “cut too short” incidents into an interesting feature and talking point. Looking through the comments lots of people really liked the shape of this example (although one person didn’t) which came about in a classic combination of material agency (size and shape of available teak scraps) and design strength criteria. Like it or not, the technique could be used to make almost any shape at any point that you need to make a unique and tight fitting joint in two boards.

In terms of adding a “closer you look the more interesting it becomes” kinda characteristic, one commenter pointed out the fact that people will be drawn in to look at it instantly, thinking it is some kind of shape shifting monster leaking through the corner of the window (chuckle). Hopefully they will take the time to revel in the exciting grain pattern of the teak when they go to have a closer look…

Window sills


The vibe of some of the thoughtful comments did talk quite profoundly to the process of making in general. To sum it up here: mostly what we as makers do is make is mistakes, the trick is in working out ways to make them happy ones :)

So anyway, if you want to see the process described in full check out the instructable.

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