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Step 11 – Constructing the Doors Part 1 – Making the Rails and Stiles

So to get the doors to fit nice and tightly inside the frame, we can use a measuring stick to find the lengths needed (again I think this is preferable to a measuring tape).  The same applies here, in that we want to suss everything out before we go gluing anything.  Below is a cross sectional idea of what the door stiles will be like.  To the right is the inside glass retainer, on the left the outside one.

Constructing the Doors Part 1 - Making the Rails and Stiles

Same deal, here, clamping up the laminate sections before, forming up the rectangle.

Constructing the Doors Part 1 - Making the Rails and Stiles

Unlike the fixed frame, I chose to add lap joints to the ‘outside glass retainers’, and this added complexity. So I decided to add them on after the basic shape was made.  So here is one of the laminated finger joint corners.

Constructing the Doors Part 1 - Making the Rails and Stiles

I made them so that the ‘horns’ (I think that is the right term?) stuck out a touch.  This way they can be planed absolutely flush later (in other words, if they were not long enough it would be a big problem, but a shade over is fine)

Constructing the Doors Part 1 - Making the Rails and Stiles

The basic rectangle of one door all glued up and ready to have the outside glass retainers added – these will add a lot of strength.

Constructing the Doors Part 1 - Making the Rails and Stiles

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