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Open Workshop 9th November

We can’t contain ourselves any longer, it’s time to share our lair!

FE Lair open day

The workshop may not be 100% finished, and is in fact likely to be under constant change and improvement ad infinitum, but it is warm, dry (usually), filled with tools and surrounded by a wealth of gathered materials for us to take inspiration from and make stuff with.

As you may have noticed, the ever-changing space is now geared up enough for us to be making things for other people, so it is time to take the Flowering Elbow to the next level and start sharing our space as a community workshop. Our first member seems to have been enjoying himself with his van upcycling project (check out the podcast/interview) and we’ve been learning along with him. We’d love to help you and your projects come together.

We’ll be doing workshop tours and mini tool inductions/demos, there’s lots to see and touch: lovely strawbale/ earth-rendered walls, re-used windows and timber, crazy wood burning stove, upcycled switches and shelves and of course the exciting tools and materials that we’ve been modding, making and putting to use.

We hope you’ll bring along some projects and ideas to work on and talk over with us and we’ll have a few little tinkering things you can get your teeth into if you fancy it!

So, keep some space in your diary for the 9th November, we’d love to see you here and show you around! Do get in touch if you have any questions, or have decided you’re coming (so Sam doesn’t go too cake crazy!)

While you’re here you could also have a browse through the lovely paintings in the next door Golden Hill Art Gallery too!

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