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Archive for the 'Woodplay' Category

Recipe Book Stand and Sanctuary

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Here is a little ‘handmade Christmas present idea’ for people that are keen on cooking, but get nervous when the recipe book is out of sight (or just want to avoid getting raw egg or flour all over the pages!). The ‘recipe book sanctuary’, tirelessly holds the book open in the right place, can be […]

From humble beginnings…

Friday, October 1st, 2010

What makes me want to make and create things, more than anything else, is that enchanting feeling when we turn some unvalued, ordinary and mundane into something special. Why exactly it feels good, I don’t know, but I guess it is somewhat universal for people to want to change and arrange things to their taste, […]

Oak Door Update

Friday, March 19th, 2010

It has been some time since I mentioned the external french oak doors project, so I just thought I would post a little update and a few photos for you while some wood glue dries… Well the frame is pretty much completed now, and I am on the doors themselves.  At this stage I am […]

The Chalk Temperature Dilemma

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Chalk temperature of my wood glue = Approx. 47°F or 8°C The chalk temperature of wood glue, apparently refers to the temperature at which the surrounding air and materials can be at during application, to achieve a good bond.  The dilemma, refers to the tricky situation in which to build a door, to fill a […]

Window wood acheived!

Monday, February 1st, 2010

After more than a year since originally having the idea to build a double French door in oak for our workshop, we have the wood! I went to the the sawmill to help prep some pieces and explore the exciting woodworking machinery. Using this bandsaw, or resaw, we rip the wood (cut it down its […]

Door hardware

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

Some of the door hardware arrived yesterday, which was exciting, particularly as we spent a long time researching and deliberating the selection.  Went for a five point locking system (FPL) in the end.  Not that security is a big issue, but the ‘five pointers’ spread the load better, maintain a better weather seal and help […]

French Windows / Doors

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

We have been thinking about making something to replace the horrible opening to our tinker room (or workshop), for ages now.  Currently it is a standard, let all the cold in, up and over style garage door.  What we want is some doors that let lots of light in, benefit from the south facing solar […]

Oversize turning (part2)

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Just getting a chance to upload the final photos of the big bowl, which was given over as a present for the wedding we went to this weekend.  Hopefully they will be pleased…  Here it is after a fine sanding and a light oiling. The home mixed oil is bringing out the fantastic swirly depths of the grain.