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Archive for the 'Fun' Category

Ambient Energy Aqua Purge Device Wins Prize

Monday, September 12th, 2011

Workshop building continues…. but in other, lighter news: Bongo, of Flowering Elbow struck lucky and won a years subscription to Make Magazine with the entry of some photos of the Ambient Energy Aqua Purge Device (AEAPD) in a competition jointly organised by Ponoko (3D printing and Lazer cutting dudes) and Make Magazine. For those of you that don’t […]

Golden Hill Centre Opens

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

The Golden Hill Centre, the site near Carmarthen on which we are building our FE Workshop, opened its doors to the public last Saturday (16th July). While our workshop remains very much in-process, there are a number of other recently converted buildings at the Golden Hill Centre. Among them, a gallery, some therapy and seminar rooms, and an IT […]

The week of tool bending

Monday, May 9th, 2011

I remember my dad instructing me how important it was to handle drill bits with care. “Very hard, but brittle – never leave them in the chuck or drop them on the floor – they break too easily”, I recall the warnings. I have since lost count of the number of drill bits I have […]

Making a Logo

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

In this post we discuss the design and use of Logos, and how we made and refined ours.

Emergency Breakfast-cake (savoury or sweet)

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Bit of an off topic one here, but if your interested in cooking (or eating) I just knocked up a fun little instructable on how to cook “Emergancy Breakfast Cakes“. Have been refining them for years, so thought I would share. Yum Yum.

Adventures in steampunk (clue 3)

Saturday, January 16th, 2010

Ok so the last bits were from an old hard disk drive.  This (below) is also a part of the contraption. The completer machine will involve a kind of

Adventures in Steampunk (clue 2)

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

I am sure a lot of you will know what this is… It helps to form part

Adventures in SteamPunk

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Guess what these are going to be part of! We have been working on a new project, which is a bit of an experiment in ‘steampunk’ style.  Of course, it is going to be a functional thing as well.  Particularly useful during

Scroll saw-sewing machine wins Instructables Contest

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

A big thank you to everyone who voted for this step-by-step guide to change a sewing machine into a scroll saw! Votes got it through into the 30 finalists and the Instructables judges decided upon the winners today… It was amongst a bunch of cool instructables that got first prize (check them out here). Wooho!!  […]