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Archive for the 'Foundry Casting' Category

Which scrap aluminium to use for casting?

Saturday, January 14th, 2017

Simple answer: whichever you have already or can get for free! With a few caveats: The kind of scrap you use will affect the properties of your casting. Fluidity when molten and machineability when solid are two that don’t get thought of as often as strength, but can be just as important. Lets take this […]

Lost Foam Vs Green Sand Casting

Friday, January 6th, 2017

It has been a while since I first melted bits of scrap aluminium and cast them into a shape. I have had some triumphs in my DIY experiments, but also plenty of learning experiences (read fails), so I wanted to share some of the lessons. The two main methods I have tried, are “Lost  Foam” […]