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Binding my PhD Thesis

The Binding of my PhD Thesis

Unfortunately, and in typical style, I had no time to take photos of the two copies that I bound and handed in for examination (this was of course done the night before the deadline).  The one here, is my own copy, which is substandard in every way – the page numbers are not right, the binging has no cover, and it is generally more shoddy.  The principal was similar though, I simply clamped the spine of the pages between two slivers of teak wood I had knocking about.

Thesis bindig

The first ones you hand in are suppose to be ‘soft-bound’.  After I have the viva exam and do any changes they want to the text, it will be ‘hard-bound’ ready to be hidden away in the library. It is pretty self explanatory (see pics below), but if anyone is interested in the details of how to do this just ask.

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