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Using the chainsaw mill on an enormous wind felled Oak tree

As a kid I played in its branches. As a woodworker I wondered at its immensity. Then one day it blew down…

This weeks video is about using the home made chainsaw mill on this absolutely epic Oak tree. Considering its age (400 years maybe!), it’s a bit surprising that it was blown over recently as we haven’t had abnormally severe storms. Anyway, it did – falling across a stream and taking out our neighbours fence on its way.

The vid’s main focus is on the benefits and disadvantages of using an alaskan style chainsaw mill to make usable lumbar from something like this. Its a never ending debate – which is better, chainsaw mill or band mill? Hopefully this practical example sheds some light on it, and basically leads me to the conclusion that they are two different beasts, and both good depending on the circumstances.

Click to watch the video!

Just dealing with the crown of the tree, winching away broken and dangerous overhanging branches, and actually getting through the brash towards the trunk was quite tricksy.

There are plenty of medium to big branches off the main trunk that look good for milling so, we prep some of them. The tried and tested ladder straight edge is in action.

One difference this time was that for the second, and all cuts done after the first edge is established using the ladder, are done without the ladder! Why is this a big deal? Because starting and ending a cut this way is difficult. Less than half the CS mill is supported on the log. We did it this way because Paul was there to help me.

It was the first time I have milled with someone else, and it’s much easier to make a good start (and end) to the board. Though it introduces some new dangers, specifically, the nose end of the guidebar, which until now has been no problem to have uncovered. As it was the helper, had to stay well away – on the same side as the throttle operator, to stay safe. Not ideal and probably the next mod we will do to the mill, along with adding longer rails, which we will need for the bigger sections of this oak.

Anyway for a whole lot more details and geeking out over the milling process, check out the video.

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  1. A New Book about Chainsaw Milling
  2. Chainsaw Mill & Upcycled Component Store

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